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Getting StartedUpdated a year ago

Here's a guide to getting started with the TAUR iOS App. Follow these steps to get set up. If you have any problems, then you can use the contact form in the app to get help.

When you receive your Taur scooter it is unsecured and anyone with the app can set themselves as its Authenticated Owner. It's important to secure your Taur as soon as possible. Some features of the app are only available to the Authenticated Owner. Follow these steps to get registered and set up.

1. Download the Taur app from the AppStore https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/taur/id1624040077


2. When you download and open the app for the first time the system will ask you to grant Bluetooth permissions. The Taur app uses Bluetooth to connect to your Taur scooter and pass commands and data between them.

3. Register if you don't already have a Taur account. A unique identifier is created from your email address and the 4 digit PIN you choose and this will be configured into your Taur scooter, so it's important to remember the email and PIN you've used.

4. Or sign In if you've already registered using your email and 4 digit PIN.


5. The system will ask you to grant location permissions. The Taur app uses location services to record your trip data. This is an optional feature and can be switched on and off from the settings menu.


6. To continue you will need to accept the Terms and Conditions.

7. Next is the What's New screen. We'll keep you up to date about new and improved features when we release a new version of the app.


8. Our Getting Started Guide will help you discover the features of your Taur Scooter. You can access this later from the app menu.


9. The system will also ask you to grant Notification permissions. We use notifications to keep you informed of important changes, such as app updates and firmware releases.

10. If this is the first time connecting to your Taur scooter, the app will ask you if you want to set yourself as the Authenticated Owner. When you receive your Taur it is unsecured and anyone with the app can set themselves as its Owner. It's important to secure your Taur as soon as possible. Some features of the app are only available to the Authenticated Owner. 

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